About Main effect

Where do I start? Do I tell you who I am? What I love to do? My deepest fears? ...
Well, lets start with who I am,
I am a mother to two tiny humans they keep me busy but heal my heart daily. My son is the most loving young boy with a heart of gold, consistently giving me loving comments and surprise kisses, he is thoughtful, kind, and has the most incredible imagination. (mamas boy) My daughter on the other hand is wild and free, she is strong, independent and the pink girly girl! She knows what she wants and will receive it regardless of who she needs to convince. (daddies little girl) I am also a wifey to my hunky hubby who keeps me on my toes, if you follow along on social media you'll experience his witty remarks and wild nature. He is the ultimate protector, athletic, loving, sexy and he is a mans man.
If I wasn't busy enough with my family and photography, I am also a full time COSMETOLOGIST. I get to make people feel beautiful with lashes, hair, and tanning. So when you get in front of my camera I will watch the way your hair moves and looks, which can make or break a shot.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP is 100% just who I am...
-licensed cosmetologist
-licensed yoga instructor
-crafter (moses baskets)
Along with family and business I have a hand full of hobbies that fill all the free time I have... which is little. If I get the chance to TRAVEL I'm gone... I have visited 4 of the 7 continents, 11 countries, and 18 states, when I say Im down to travel I AM DOWN TO TRAVEL! (especially places I haven't been) A few longer travels have been I was an exchange student to Denmark in high school, to Costa Rica to become a licensed yoga instructor, and India to work in Mother Teresas Orphanage in Kolkata India. LETS TRAVEL TOGETHER!
While home I greatly enjoy the gym, yoga, crocheting, gardening, juicing, working out, any sports I get the chance to play, camping, concerts, hiking, anything that lets me be healthy, creative or connected to nature. What I love about photography is that I get to be in outdoors, creative, capture memories, and connect with others (aka talk)...
Have I shared enough? Probably... NOT. I love connecting with people and knowing about who I work with... so if you want to know more about who you'll be working with...